The University

When you think in University, you think in a second home and this is because you almost live there. UNAM is know as The Maximum Studies’ House and it’s not only for its high knowledge level, it’s called by this way because students can feel comfortable and happy to be here too. When you study at UNAM, you feel special because UNAM provides you of amny opportunities to succeed and be better thougout all your major. If you feel in the same way with your own University, you can considered lucky yourself but if this is not your case, well, you should start to searching for a new one. 😉

– Alan J.

UNAM, my life =D!

The UNAM is my life for many reasons. In this wonderful place I have learned many things and not only in the classes, because I’ve established strong bonds of friendship. My faculty has given me what is required to be a better person everyday, because I have met great teachers, from whom I have received great advices. To be here is the best experience that I ever had; I enjoy the activities in the UNAM, like sports, culture, music, etc.

The UNAM is more than school, its my inspiration, its the best place, its my home!!


Erick Hernández.

My second home =)

What does the UNAM means to me? The answer is simple, it is my home because is the place where I have been for 4 years. It gives me knowlegde, culture, opportunities, friends, another family. It is the place where I can go and feel that everything is alright, even when I have to do a lot of homework. I just feel so lucky to being here and I wish I could stay here for a long time to enjoy everything it gives me.


UNAM and I

Since I have conscious, my father always spoke about the UNAM, because he was and till now, he’s UNAM´s son. For that reason, I always wanted to come and study here. When I started the university, and so far, I´ve never disappointed for anything, except for don´t take advantage of the cultural spaces as I should.
I appreciate the opportunity to be part of this amazing university, and for enjoy the classes with beautiful views in the afternoon, and have the world across the window.
You shouldn’t forget other aspects that UNAM give us, like the opportunity to be a representative of your own faculty in several international competitions, with the knowledge as a gift, that I´m sure is a priviledge that not others schools has.
I´m happy to be here, and I can´t wait to finish my major, and explore the world with the experience adquired here.


Always UNAM!

UNAM has been the first source of critic in our country. Their academics, researchers and students always put attention in social problematics and have been trying to make solutions and suggest programs to make Mexico a better place with science and culture. Based on good education and human values, community UNAM are awareness of the necessity of new ways to work and treat economical, political and social issues. Unfortunately, government don’t give them enough resources to explote it potential or support other universities to increase the educational and technological level of the country. UNAM will continue to work hard and build a good society of students  with the vision that have been imparting for 104 years.



The past September 22th the UNAM celebrated that it is 104 years old with all of us. The UNAM represents the opportunity of be a better person in the world around us, like a mother instructs her child she always teaches, takes care and allows that her child completly develops her/his soul. When you are part of the experience UNAM you can feel that you stay in home, and it is so true because you can study, learn, dance, play, read, eat, sleep, write, talk, walk, swim, sing and know a new family that offers you safety, knowledge and happiness for entire life.
For all of this, happy birthday UNAM! 💛 – Mena


The film tells the story of Chronos, the personification of time and the inability to realize his desire to love for a mortal. The scenes blend a series of surreal paintings of Dali with dancing and metamorphosis. The target production began in 1945, 58 years before its completion and was a collaboration between Walt Disney and the Spanish surrealist painter, Salvador Dalí. Salvador Dali and Walt Disney Destiny was produced by Dali and John Hench for 8 months between 1945 and 1946. Dali, at the time, Hench described as a «ghostly figure» who knew better than Dali or the secrets of the Disney film. For some time, the project remained a secret. The work of painter Salvador Dali was to prepare a six-minute sequence combining animation with live dancers and special effects for a movie in the same format of «Fantasia.» Dali in the studio working on The Disney characters are fighting against time, the giant sundial that emerges from the great stone face of Jupiter and that determines the fate of all human novels. Dalí and Hench were creating a new animation technique, the cinematic equivalent of «paranoid critique» of Dali. Method inspired by the work of Freud on the subconscious and the inclusion of hidden and double images.
Dalí said: «Entertainment highlights the art, its possibilities are endless.» The plot of the film was described by. Dalí as «A magical display of the problem of life in the labyrinth of time.»
Walt Disney said it was «A simple story about a young girl in search of true love.»

Enjoy it…

UNAM like investigation

UNAM is the principal center of invetigation in Mexico. UNAM has many different researchers of many different areas. UNAM realizes the highest percentage of all investigation in Mexico. All areas of the knowledge are covered for UNAM with its different investigation´s centers and faculties. In UNAM you can find the best investigation in Mexico. So if you want to do or to know something about of any kind of research field in Mexico the first place that you need to visit is UNAM.
